A Procurement manager is also called the purchasing manager. They work for companies of all sizes. Typically in smaller companies they fill multiple rolls and may not have the title of procurement manager, but do all the same duties. The larger a company becomes the more likely they have a full-time position dedicated to procurement and in some cases may have an entire team with specialized rolls for different people. Managers are often responsible for coordinating and managing the work as procurement agents, purchasing or the buying agents. They also work on the most complex purchases for the company. Their task is to research and evaluate and then buy the products for the companies. These products may resold to the customers at retail, may be used for internal everyday operations, or may be parts that contribute to the whole of a final product. The position is evolving and the duties are no longer confined to purchasing staples and pens, and paper; here are some of the skills which a procurement manager looking to the future should have:
Critical Thinking: As a procurement manager he or she should use logic and reasoning in order to identify the weaknesses and strengths for alternative solutions to problems.
Active Listening: The procurement manager of tomorrow should be able to give his full attention to what the other people are saying. He should also take time in understanding the points being made, asking appropriate questions. It is no longer one person’s responsibility, but the entire team and even other departments should all work together and that starts with listening to those around you.
Reading Comprehension: It is not simply looking at catalogs and prices, but reading large volumes of information including catalog prices, but going beyond into industry reports, worldwide economic conditions, and other areas that all impact even the most basic purchasing decisions. Reading, comprehending, and adjusting is a key component.
Decision Making: He should also be able to gather all the necessary information and come to a sound decision taking into consideration the relative costs and advantages of the necessary actions so as to arrive at the most appropriate one.
Management of Material Resources: Ensuring that all departments have the tools, supplies, and resources necessary to their jobs is of great importance. If resources are not available when needed entire departments can be delayed which in turn has a domino effect throughout the company. Managing these resources keeps everything moving and working toward profitability.